Whitworth Consulting Services

 Bridging the research-practice gap, supporting educators, and making professional development engaging and meaningful.

A range of services is offered that includes, but is not limited to: Teacher Professional Learning and Development, the Leading Professional Learning Simulation, Leadership Development, Professional Learning Community Support, Student Camps and Academies, and Technical Assistance. 

Each service is designed to meet the needs of your group and is created in collaboration with your planning team. Sessions can be: 

-In-person, synchronous, or hybrid 

-Large-scale (typically up to 250) or small-scale 

-Multi-day, all-day, half-day, or 1-2 hour sessions 

-Include follow-up sessions that are in-person, synchronous, or asynchronous

Meet the Team

We have a strong consultant team that we draw on to meet the needs of your session or project. 

Dr. Brooke A. Whitworth

Dr. Julianne Wenner

Dr. Jennifer Bateman

Ashley Hunter

Meredith Schwendemann

Services Offered

Teacher Professional Learning & Development

Sessions are designed to support teachers in developing content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, facility with instructional models and strategies, and/or a deeper understanding of science standards. Previous topics include: 

"This experience has completely relit the spark for education I initially had.  This was how I want to teach.  Now I understand how to get the support I need to teach this way."

-Professional Development Participant

Leading Professional Learning: Building Capacity for Sustained Effective Practice 

Leading Professional Learning was developed by Katherine Stiles, Susan Mundry, and Carol Bershad. It can be played in-person as a cooperative board-game or through a virtual, synchronous format. 

"This game is a great simulation and presents teacher profiles that leaders and instructional support can relate to. The theory of action resources shared provides 3 clear phases that can be used when planning for professional development."

"Personally and professionally life changing."

"It is one of the best PL sessions that I have ever attended. Very relevant to education for teachers, staff, and leaders. "

-Participants from Leading Professional Learning Sessions

Leadership Development

Sessions explicitly designed for district-level administrators or principals. Previous topics include: 

"This was the best workshop I have attended in several years. Dr. Whitworth was outstanding. She definitely understands student engagement. I was fully engaged in learning throughout the two days. She is excellent and the content was relevant, encouraging, helpful and appropriate."

-Participant from Principal Leadership Development Session

Professional Learning Community Support

Sessions are designed specifically to support teacher leaders who will lead PLCs in their schools. Materials for PLCs based on clients' needs can also be developed to support teacher leaders in implementing these PLCs. Previous PLC topics and support provided include: 

"Loved the interactions between colleagues that were made available by the facilitator through her hands-on and engaging activities."

-Participant from PLC participant support

Student Camps or Academies

Sessions are designed to support students in developing a deep conceptual understanding of science. Previous camps and academies centered on: 

"Dr. Whitworth is an amazing professor, who really cares about her students. She is easy to contact, and is always understanding that we have a lot going on outside her classroom. She supports her students learning, and cares about our actual wellbeing."

"Dr. Whitworth cares SO much for her students. She wants us to excel in the educational world, but also in life. She will reach out to anyone in her class to ensure they are doing well."

-Student Feedback

Technical Assistance 

Technical assistance can be provided to organizations, teams, or individuals in a variety of areas including: project planning, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination. 

"Dr. Whitworth has exceeded our expectations in every single way. She really did hold our hand and guide us through this process in a way that I don't think we really expected. And, she was just absolutely fantastic to work with."

-Technical Support Client

Other Services


Please reach out if you are interested in any of the above services. 

Individualized quotes will be provided based on client needs and requirements. 

Example Consulting Projects

Fort Worth Independent School District Science Instructional Framework

Whitworth worked with Fort Worth Independent School District's Science Coordinators to develop and write a Science Instructional Framework designed to guide teachers and leaders around adopting new instructional science standards. 

Suggested citation: Whitworth, B. A., Hilbert, J., Trotter, G., & Williams, R. (2023). Fort Worth Independent School District science instructional framework. FWISD: Fort Worth, TX.

Arizona Science Coordinator Collaborative Lead

The ASCC was a collaborative designed to support district science coordinators in Arizona. It provided state and regional level support for science coordinators. As part of this work Whitworth designed and provided professional development and worked with coordinators to develop strategic plans.

Project Evaluator

Evaluation Report written for the GEMS project at the University of Georgia.

Waimea Middle School STEM Instead Camp

Whitworth planned, designed, and led a team of educators in creating a STEM Instead Camp for implementation at Waimea Middle School. 

Greenville County Science Professional Learning

This is an example website created for Greenville County to support some of their teachers in online and in-person professional development. Links have been disabled to activities and resources, if you would like to see a live version, please email. 

Current and Previous Partnerships